Tuesday 5 January 2010

U.S. Job Satisfaction at Lowest Level since 1987: Our 8 Recommendations for Maximizing Your Job Satisfaction

According to a Conference Board survey released today, job satisfaction in America is at its lowest level since 1987 when the survey was first done.  Satisfaction has dropped to 45% from 61.1% of 5,000 households surveyed. The least satisfied age group is under 25; 35.7% of them say they are satisfied with their jobs.

If you feel dissatisfied in your job and need help figuring out what's wrong and how to fix it, read our helpful website article "Job Satisfaction." We offer 8 recommendations and activities for maximizing your job satisfaction.

My personal belief is that changes in our economy lowering job security and widening the income gap between people must have something to do with this trend.  I'm obviously not suggesting that we look to more European-style socialistic employment policies, but I think too much insecurity and a feeling that the system doesn't reward hard work breeds dissatisfaction. What do you think?

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