Monday 1 February 2010

Back from a Successful Cannexus Conference

After a fantastic CANNEXUS conference last week in Ottawa, Canada (photo left), I am finally getting back online. Because I live in Seattle, the grey weather did not scare me. I gave 2 presentations:
I love Canada. Every time I go there the people are friendly, interesting to talk to and open-minded about new resources.  Yes, Comedy Central's South Park and American pundits sometimes make fun of how "nice" Canadians are. But trust me, you'd rather spend 3 twelve hour days at a conference with Social personality types from Canada than anywhere else in the world (no offense to my home country).

I know Canadians have the usual crime, unemployment, and problems with their politicians - but seeing Ottawa workers ice skate to work on the Rideau Canal (built in the early 1800s as a part of a defense against the new USA) has a way of lending Canada a cold but fun, Zen-like quality - far away from reality.  A Zamboni on a frozen city canal - how cool is that?  Chicago, take notes....

All right, enough reminiscing.  I plan on posting this week about:
  • the impact of marriage and significant others on career choices - in honor of Valentine's Day, and 
  • ingredients for college and university success using Holland Theory of Career Choice, from my conference presentation last week.
Although I enjoyed my trip, I am glad to be back.

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