Monday 14 June 2010

Summertime at The Career Key

Finally, the sun has arrived here in the Pacific Northwest and it stays light until 10 p.m. (See Mt. Adams, 12,000 ft at left - seen across the apple orchards of Hood River, Oregon) And in accordance with Murphy's Law, I've been swamped with major Career Key projects - trumping my best blogging & tweeting intentions.

As you might guess, The Career Key websites are heavily used by secondary schools, colleges and universities.  So the summer is really the best time for us to do major updates to the content on our websites including our eBooks and website articles. 

Even so - we did get some major new content out in the last 6 months (in addition to updating the careers displayed in The Career Key test itself):
New eBooks:
  • The Education Key: Choosing the Right College Major, Training or Instructional Program
I'm also working with a large community college to organize all their majors and programs according to Holland personality type and Career Key work group.  If you're with an institution that would be interested in matching students' Holland personality type to your school's programs, please contact me at julietjones at 

So I'll be posting a little less than usual while we focus on these summer projects and updating our website. But we're still here....

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