Thursday 9 December 2010

Career Guidance Holiday Gift Idea #2: Scholarship America

Making college degrees accessible to everyone is an important strategy to improve access to high quality career options. So Gift Idea # 2 is Scholarship America, "the largest non-profit, private sector scholarship and educational support organization." Their "Dollars for Scholars" program has over 1,200 chapters run by local volunteers to distribute millions of dollars in scholarships.

Among its special initiatives is the "Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund" to provide education assistance for postsecondary study to financially needy dependents of those killed or permanently disabled as a result of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

And last but not least, Scholarship America has had a 4 star rating from Charity Navigator for 9 consecutive years.

Click the blog label "Holiday Cheer" below to see my other career-focused holiday gift ideas.

I know I personally tend to think more during the holidays about charities related to basic necessities - like food and shelter. But given the current political climate in Washington D.C., I've been trying to buck the trend of thinking short term - and give with an eye to more long-term success.

Speaking of other giving, thanks to Career Key's visitors and customers, we've been able to donate 10% of our sales this year to many charities like:
  • UNICEF, 
  • Doctors Without Borders, 
  • The Nature Conservancy, 
  • Charity Navigator, and 
  • The Center for Dependable Strengths.
I hope you're having a great holiday season so far. . .

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